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Traditional & Diversity Solutions

Our Path to Diversity

Full-Service Staffing/ direct hire Services:


TTU traditional staffing and direct hire services with Diversity and Veteran initiative's. We are experienced in the endeavor to understand our clients’ roles by business unit, to work closely with client/MSP leads, and prioritize our clients’ timelines for pre-screening candidates to match the job requirements. TTU prides itself on delivering our clients highly qualified professionals with both the skills and the cultural fit that match the client’s business needs.   


inclusive diversity courses:


TTU has partnered with an education based non-profit to provide Executive Education courses to Hiring Professionals and Management Staff.  Our award winning instructionally designed courses are taught at the University level to your executives both online and in person.  Contact TTU to set up your Inclusive Diversity or Military Talent Acquisition training today.  To schedule, click here:


Community Development:


TTU is engaged in Disadvantaged Community Talent Development by partnering with the Urban League to strengthen and provide employment opportunities for people from disadvantaged communities and provide for our clients the wherewithal to identify and interview strong candidates. Our program identifies candidates with potential then with the guidance from hiring managers provide placement and training.

Diverse Dispute Mediation, Arbitration & Diversity & Inclusion Services

TTU has extensive experience resolving business disputes quickly, thoroughly, and with a cost-conscious and effective ADR process. TTU’s skilled, professional mediators and arbitrators are trained to provide high-level dispute resolution services, guiding parties through an efficient fact-gathering process to meaningful resolution without the need for lengthy and costly litigation. D&I training is available to line-level and supervisory/ managerial workers that focus on concrete ways businesses can positively engage their workforces and better their workplaces. Our services also include, Executive coaching services to high-level managers and executives who understand the fiscal benefits of a diverse workforce and are seeking support in their efforts to develop diverse and inclusive workspaces within their companies.

College Students
Collaborating at Work

Diversity Talent Acquisition:


As our clients embrace the culture of inclusion by encouraging diversity in recruiting and outreach initiatives, TTU is strategically positioned to provide Exclusive Diversity Talent Acquisition of highly qualified candidates by leveraging our affinity of feeder pools to provide a slate of diverse talent.












Diversity Sourcing:


As TTU develops a pool of mixed talents, experiences, certifications, and diverse backgrounds,  our Proactive Diversity Talent Sourcing program provides access to a pipeline of a diverse workforce. We believe that we will make a strong impact to our client’s inclusion and diversity goals by having a ready-now consortium of candidates. 

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